

New Training Cycle for the next 3 weeks


I have decided to incorporate the Smolov Squat cycle into my training for the next 3 weeks to change things up a bit.  I think dropping my assistance work and increasing my volume in my primary movements could wreak some drastic adaptations.  I have dropped the deadlift for the next 3 weeks as it seems to be unaffected whether or not I train it frequently.

I will be Benching using the Smolov template as well.

Here is what my next few weeks will look like. ( I am going off of a 678 1 RM SQ and a 452 1RM BP)


MONDAY:    SQUAT – 475 x 9 reps x 4 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 315 x 9 reps x 4 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 4 sets

WED:              SQUAT – 510 x 7 reps x 5 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 340 x 7 reps x 5 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 4 sets

FRIDAY:       SQUAT – 540 x 5 reps x 7 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 360 x 5 reps x 7 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 2 sets

SAT:               SQUAT – 575 x 3 reps x 10 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 385 x 3 reps x 10 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 2 sets


MONDAY:     SQUAT – 495 x 9 reps x 4 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 325 x 9 reps x 4 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 4 sets

WED:              SQUAT – 530 x 7 reps x 5 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 350 x 7 reps x 5 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 4 sets

FRIDAY:        SQUAT – 560 x 5 reps x 7 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 370 x 5 reps x 7 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 2 sets

SAT:               SQUAT – 595 x 3 reps x 10 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 395 x 3 reps x 10 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 2 sets


MONDAY:     SQUAT – 505 x 9 reps x 4 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 330 x 9 reps x 4 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 4 sets

WED:              SQUAT – 540 x 7 reps x 5 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 355 x 7 reps x 5 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 4 sets

FRIDAY:        SQUAT – 570 x 5 reps x 7 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 375 x 5 reps x 7 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 2 sets

SAT:                SQUAT – 605 x 3 reps x 10 sets
                        BENCH PRESS – 400 x 3 reps x 10 sets
                        WIDE GRP PULLUPS STRICT – 25 reps x 2 sets


Date Meet          Squat Bench Deadlift Total KG
may 30 2009 CPO Nat 290 185 280 755
oct 3 2009 RAW Worlds 302.5 195 300 797.5
jan 9 2010 B o M 295 205 310 810
june 12 2010 CPF NAT 307.5 205 312.5 825
Sept4 2010 RAW Worlds 312.5 215 330 857.5
Date Meet Squat Bench Deadlift Total LBS
may 30 2009 CPO Nat 639.5 407 617 1664.5
oct 3 2009 RAW Worlds 667 430 661 1758
jan 9 2010 B o M 650 452 683 1785.5
june 19 2010 CPF NAT 678 452 689 1819
sept 13 2010 RAW Worlds 689 474727 1890

*****Looking at my deadlift progress seems a little bit of an odd jump.  Reason- I recently switched to semi-sumo and am thinking some big things are going to happen. :)